Convert Interactive Groom/Convert Primitives to Polygons Options

Lets you convert hair, fur and other objects, created by XGen to Maya polygon meshes. See Convert XGen hair and fur to Maya geometry.

Convert Only Selected Primitives

Turn on to convert selected splines only.

For information on selecting one or more default splines, see Select XGen primitives.

Combine Mesh

Turn on to combine the polygon strips into a single polygon mesh object. Otherwise, Maya creates a polygon object from each spline.

Use Width Ramp

When on, the shape and width of the mesh object is based on the description's Width Ramp settings. When off, the geometry strips are rectangular and use the set Width attribute value.

The Width Ramp lets you vary the hair width along its length. For default splines, see XGen Spline attributes and Shape splines by varying width. For interactive grooming splines, see XGen interactive groom descriptionShape node attributes.

Insert Spans Along Width

Turn on to increase the resolution of the polygon mesh by adding spans to the mesh width. By default, the mesh objects have a single span along their width.

Number of Spans

Specific to Insert Spans Along Width. Sets the number of spans added to the width of the polygon object when Insert Spans Along Width is on.


Specific to Insert Spans Along Width. Adds curvature along the width of the mesh objects. Increasing this value generates degrees of curvature ranging from flat when set to 0 to 180 degrees when set to -1 or 1.

Place UV in Tiles

When on, the mesh object's UV layout is tiled. This lets you assign multiple textures using separate UV tiles.

UV Layout Type

Lets you select the UV tile layout pattern for the mesh object.

Tile Separation
Sets the gap between the UV tiles in pixels.
Create Joints on Strips

(For animated or simulated hair and fur.) Turn on to create joints chains for each polygon strip. Joint chains can be used to drive animation on the polygon mesh objects.

Creating joints on high density hair and fur may reduce Maya's interactive performance.

Joint Placement

Sets the number of joints added to the polygon strip. One Joint per Span is the default setting. To add more, you can specify the number of joints added to each polygon strip by selecting Specify Number of Joints.

Joints per Strip

Specifies the number of joints to add to each polygon strip.

Auto Bind Skin

Lets you bind the joints to the polygon strips as during the conversion.

Auto Bind Skin uses the default bind method for smooth skinning, which includes the Bind Method set to Closest In Hierarchy with all other settings set to default values. See Bind Skin Options.

Max Influences

Specified the maximum number of joints that influence each CV on the polygon strips.

Create Joints on Guides

(Applies to default spline descriptions only.) Turn on to create joints chains at the location of XGen guides on the surface of the bound mesh. Joint chains can be used to drive animation on the polygon mesh objects. Use this option with animated or simulated hair and fur.

Creating joints on high density hair and fur may reduce Maya's interactive performance.

Joint Placement

(Applies to default spline descriptions only.) Sets the number of joints added to each guide. One Joint per CV is the default setting. To add more, you can specify the number of joints added to each guide by selecting Specify Number of Joints.

Joints per Guide

(Applies to default spline descriptions only.) Specifies the number of joints to add to each guide.

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