Paint Set Membership Tool

Lets you use the Paint Set Membership Tool to modify which of a deformable object’s points (for example, CVs or vertices) belong to multiple deformer sets by painting the points you want added to, transferred to, or removed from the set. See Paint deformer set membership. See also Editing deformer set membership and How Artisan brush tools work in the Maya®Artisan guide.

In the Paint Operations section there are some attributes unique to the Paint Set Membership Tool. These unique attributes are described below. For descriptions of all other attributes in all other sections, see Artisan Tool Settings in the Artisan guide.

Paint Set Membership tool settings

Paint Operations

These are descriptions of the attributes in the Paint Operations section.


If the object includes multiple deformer sets, the Add operation leaves the painted CVs or vertices in the their current sets and adds them to the selected set.

If the object is a rigid skin object, the Add operation does the same thing as the Transfer operation: it removes the painted CVs or vertices from their current set and adds them to the selected set.


If the object includes multiple deformer sets, the Transfer operation removes the painted CVs or vertices from their current sets and adds them to the selected set.

If the object is a rigid skin object, the Transfer operation does the same thing as the Add operation: it removes the painted CVs or vertices from their current set and adds them to the selected set.


The Remove operation removes the painted CVs or vertices from the sets they belong to, so the CVs vertices are not influenced by any deformers or joints.

Select Set To Modify

Click the name of the set you want to add to, transfer to, or remove from. This is just one way of selecting the set. There are two others. For details, see Prune deformer set membership.

Set To Modify

The name of the set you select appears in this box.