Paint rigid skin membership

To paint rigid skin point set membership

  1. Select the rigid skin object(s).
  2. Go into smooth shading mode (hotkey: press 5).
  3. Select Deform > (Paint Weights) Set Membership Tool > .
  4. In the Set Membership box, select the joint set with the point memberships you want to edit.
  5. Use the brush to add, transfer, or remove set memberships.

To paint creasing effects

  1. Select smooth shaded display mode (hotkey: press 5).
  2. Select the cylinder.
  3. Select Deform > (Paint Weights) Cluster > .

    In the Paint Attributes section of the Tool Settings window, notice the joint1Cluster1.weights button.

  4. Select a rigid skin point cluster. For example, cluster-joint3Cluster1 > weights.
  5. Select another rigid skin point cluster. For example, select cluster-joint4Cluster1 > weights.
  6. Check the other rigid skin point cluster. For example, check cluster-joint2Cluster1.
  7. Use the Paint Cluster Weights Tool’s brush to smooth the deformation effect.