Blend falloff attributes

The Blend Falloff Attribute Editor widget contains a table where you can add various Falloff effects and combine them together to make complex results.

Two Primitive Falloffs blending over a Wave deformer

To access the Blend Falloff Attribute Editor widget

See Create deformer falloffs using Component Tags for information on how to attach Component Tags to components.

Use the Add New assignment , Remove assignment , Move Up , and Move Down icons to organize the falloff effects in the table.

Right-click the row to either Add a new or assign an existing falloff.

Base Weight
Set a Base Weight for the overall Blend effect. The default is 1.00. The values for each vert are defined by this setting.
Blend Weight table
Use the Blend Weight table to organize and blend your falloff effects.
The falloff index (placement) in the Blend Array. Use the Move Up , and Move Down icons to rearrange the Falloff order.
Name of the deformer falloff effect to be blended.
The weight value for the deformer falloff effect.
Right-click the Weight field to be able to set a key or lock the weight, as well as create a new expression or texture.
Create New Expression...
Opens the Expression Editor.
Set Key
Keys the Weight value for the falloff.
When the Weight attribute is keyed, the Weight field turns bright red on the frame where the key is set and dull red to signify that the value has keys on it.
Once a key is set, right-click the Weight field and select Break Connection to remove the keys and all connections to the attribute.
Create New Texture...
Opens the Create Render Node window.
Lock Attribute
Locks the Weight value. Maya displays locked attributes with a gray background.

To unlock, right-click and select Unlock Attribute.

Mode describing how to apply the blend. See Blend Modes, below, for details.

Blend Modes

The values for each vertex are defined by the Base Weight, which is 1.0 by default.

Each vert's falloff value modifies all previously calculated values. For example, if the values calculated so far are A and the values calculated for a falloff are B, the new result is one of the following modes: A, (A*B), (A/B), (A+B), (A-B), B or max(A,B).

Note: Falloff values are evaluated in the Blend Mode table from top to bottom.
Choose the way that you want to blend the deformer falloff effect.
Name Behavior
No Operation

Applies the Base Weight value (B) without making any changes, ignoring the falloff and the same as if the falloff were not connected.

This is the default.

Example formula: A(no effect)


Creates an amplifying effect by multiplying the Falloff Weight (A) by the Base weight value (B) as in the following formula:

Falloff Blend result = Base weight x Deformer Falloff weight.

For example, setting a value of 0 is the same as disabling the effect. A value of 1 effects no change to the deformation, while a value of 2 doubles the effect, and so on.

Example formula: A*B

Divide Divides the Falloff Weight (A) by the Base weight value (B).

Example formula: A/B

Add Combines the Falloff Weight (A) with the Base weight value (B).
Example equation: A+B

Add mode applied to a primitive falloff A. set to 0, B. set to 10, C. set to 25

Subtract Removes the effect of the Falloff Weight (A) by the Base weight value (B).

Example formula: A-B

Override Applies the Falloff weight value (A) without making any changes, ignoring the Base weight value (B) and the same as if there were no Base weighting.

Example formula: B

Max Lets each primitive Falloff weight value (A) affect the mesh independently. The animation at the top of the page shows two Primitive Falloffs using Max mode.

Example formula: max(A,B)

AlphaBlend Lets you create AlphaBlends of the Falloff weight.

Example formula: out = out*(1-in) + in*inValue