Change the length (scale) of normals in the display

Occasionally you may want to change the length of normals (lines indicating the normal direction of a face or vertex) to make them more visible or less distracting. You can change the scale of normals on a per-object basis.

Change the size of normals on polygonal surfaces (Method 1)

  1. Select the shape node Attribute Editor.
  2. Under the Mesh Component Display section, enable Display Normal and set the Normal Size.

Change the size of normals on polygonal surfaces (Method 2)

  1. Select the shape node Attribute Editor.
  2. Under the Mesh Component Display section, enable Display Normal.
  3. Select Display > Polygons > Normal Size to open the Normals Size editor. The editor reflects the current size of your normals. Enter a value or use the slider to adjust the normal size.

The range of the slider in the Normals Size editor is expandable and you can set normal sizes from a range of 0.02 to 10000.

The normal size is relative to the size of your object. For example, a small sphere with a normal size set to 10 has smaller normals than a larger sphere with a normal size set to 10.

If you have more than one object selected, and you select Display > Polygons > Normal Size, the normal size reflected in the Normal Size editor is that of the last selected object.