Solo a node in the Hypershade

When you solo a node, the Material Viewer and viewport update to reflect your soloing results.

Solo a node using the soloing icon

Click the solo icon on the top right of the node (hotkey @). When the node is soloed, this icon turns turquoise . The border of the node turns red, and the attribute that is soloed by default appears as a triangular port .

You can choose to solo a different attribute on that node by double-clicking its port.

To toggle off the soloing, click the icon again (hotkey #).

Solo a node using the marking menu

To solo a node, right-click over the node and select Solo from the marking menu. When the node is soloed, this icon turns turquoise . The border of the node turns red, and the attribute that is soloed by default appears as a triangular port .

You can choose to solo a different attribute on that node by double-clicking its port.

To solo the attribute that was last soloed, right-click anywhere in the Node Editor work area and select Solo Last Connection from the marking menu (hotkey !).

To remove the soloing, right-click anywhere in the Node Editor work area and select Remove Material Soloing from the marking menu.

Solo a node using hotkeys

To solo a node, use the hotkey @.

To remove soloing, use the hotkey #.

To solo the node/attribute that was last soloed, use the hotkey !.

Solo a node using MEL/Python

To solo a node, use the soloMaterial command and specify the node and (optionally) the attribute as follows:

soloMaterial -node "checker1" -attr "outColor"

To solo the attribute that was last soloed, use the -last flag:

soloMaterial -last

To remove the soloing, enter the following MEL command:

soloMaterial -unsolo

You can also execute the equivalent commands in Python. See the soloMaterial command documentation for more information.

Query the soloed node

You can query the soloed node and attribute using MEL or Python:

// To query the soloed node
soloMaterial -q -node

//To query the soloed attribute
soloMaterial -q -attr