Sketch out guidelines (“lipstick”) for paint application

You can use Maya’s 3D Paint Tool to initially sketch out (“lipstick”) where paint should be applied to an object. Painters can then paint more strategically in Adobe Photoshop because they can easily see where to apply the paint. This works especially well for models with UVs that don’t give you enough information to paint effectively.


You can also start by mapping file textures (rather than using the 3D Paint Tool).

To lipstick a model

  1. Roughly paint what you want to see (for example, eyes, mouth, beard) on the model with Maya’s 3D paint Tool. See 3D Paint Tool overview.
  2. Save the scene.
  3. Follow the steps to create and use a PSD File texture. See Create a PSD file with layer sets from within Maya.

    The painted textures are inserted as the base layer in each layer set.

    Note: Once you have created the PSD, you cannot go back to 3D Paint for those attributes.