Gamma Correct

Converts an HSV (Hue-Saturation-Value) color into an RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color. This is useful when you want to control a color using HSV values. For example, you can animate a material to run through all the rainbow colors. (This is the same as animating the Hue of an HSV color).

To animate a material, create an HSV to RGB node, connect the Out Rgb attribute to the material’s color, then animate the first channel of InHsv.

Use Gamma Correction to smoothly remap the colors in an image. Extreme values (very light or very dark) do not change much, but you can make mid-range tones brighter or darker.

This utility lets you specify different gamma values for the three channels of the input. The typical formula for calculating gamma is:

new == old ** (1.0/Gamma)

Find this utility in the Create tab (see Create tab).

To use this utility, see Use the Gamma Correct utility.


The input color or texture to gamma-correct.


Controls the amount of gamma correction applied to each channel. A value of 1 means that the color is not adjusted. Increase Gamma to make the mid-range tones brighter. Decrease Gamma to make them darker.