Multiply Divide

See also Use the Multiply Divide utility.


Displays a pop-up menu from which you can select an operator.

No operation

Copies the value of the Input1 attribute to the output attribute without making any changes.

For example, if Input 1 is a Checker texture and Input 2 is a Crater texture, when you select No Operation, only the Checker texture’s attributes are rendered.


Multiplies the Input1 attribute and the Input2 attribute, as in the following formula:

Output = Input1 x Input2


Divides the Input1 attribute by the Input2 attribute, as in the following formula:

Output = Input1 / Input2

In the following example, the Input 1 texture is divided by the changes made to the Input 2 texture.


Sets the output to equal Input 1 raised to the power of Input 2. See the following example:

It evaluates an expression by raising the value to the power of a number you choose or by calculating the square root. Raising a value to the power means multiplying a number by itself a given number of times as in:

2^3 = 2 x 2 x 2

The command for calculating the square of a number is:

power (value, 2.0)

The mathematical formula is:

Power = value^2

The formula for computing the square root is:

Power = sqrt(value)

If you want to multiply the value of a component twice, you would set Input1 to represent the color (possibly mapping it with a texture), and then set all the three components of Input2 to 2.0. Because the inputs are both colors, you can work on the color of a single-component value or on all three-component values.

You can also get the square root of a number by setting Input2 to 0.5 as shown in the following:

Output = power (input1, input2)

which, in math terms, would be written like input1^input2.

See also the Power operator example.


The first of two arguments presented to Multiply Divide.


The second of two arguments presented to Multiply Divide.