Sculpt using stamps

The following sections describe two methods for applying stamps when sculpting.

Sculpt using a repeating stamp image

  1. In the Sculpting shelf, double-click a sculpting tool icon.
  2. In the Tool Settings window that appears, expand the Stamp section.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Double-click the stamp image or click Pick Stamp to choose a stamp from the Content Browser.

      Click a stamp to assign it to the currently selected tool or right-click the stamp to assign it to another sculpting tool.

    • Click Import to choose a custom image to use for a stamp. See Save images for stamps for more information about image specifications.

    The stamp image appears in the Tool Settings with Use Stamp turned on.

  4. In the scene, stroke on the model to apply the stamp detail.

    As you stroke, the stamp detail is applied and repeated along your stroke automatically. For more space between the individual stamps, increase the Spacing setting in the Tool Settings window.

    Note: A stamp image can reduce the strength of a sculpt tool depending on the amount of white in the image. White values in the image displace the vertices with full strength, while black values are not displaced at all. If the stamp image has a lot of gray tones, you may need to compensate by increasing the tool’s Strength setting when using a stamp.

To sculpt a repeating stamp image using the Imprint tool

  1. In the Sculpting shelf, double-click the Imprint tool.
  2. In the Stamp section of the Tool Settings window that appears, do the following:
    • Pick a stamp.
    • Set Draw Method to Continuous.
  3. Drag on the model to apply a repeating stamp image along the stroke path.

Sculpt a single stamp

The Imprint tool lets you apply a single instance of a stamp image to your model. Imprint is useful for applying raised or recessed features such as buttons or logos. You can scale the imprinted stamp image as you apply it to the model.

To sculpt a single stamp using the Imprint tool

  1. In the Sculpting shelf, double-click the Imprint tool.
  2. In the Stamp section of the Tool Settings window that appears, pick a stamp or import a custom stamp image.
  3. Drag on the model to apply the stamp detail.

    As you drag, the stamp image displays and either scales or rotates from the location you click. The image is immediately applied in that area as a single stamp.

    Note: Select an option from the Draw Method drop-down list to Scale image from center or Scale image from side.

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