Color Material Channel Options

The following options are available when you select Mesh Display > Color Material Channel.


Selecting CPV Modulate on a Layered Texture disconnects CPV components from the color channels on the assigned material. As a result, this setting, as well as the Mesh Display > Material Blend Setting are ignored.


None of the material properties of the shader(s) assigned to the object are used. In this case lighting is also disabled.


The ambient material channel of the assigned shader(s) is overridden by the vertex color.


The ambient and diffuse material channels of the assigned shader(s) are overridden by the vertex color.


The diffuse material channel of the assigned shader(s) is overridden by the vertex color. This is the default setting.


The specular material channel of the assigned shader(s) is overridden by the vertex color.


The emission material channel of the assigned shader(s) is overridden by the vertex color.