UV Editor Modify menu

This menu contains various operations that can be performed on currently selected UVs. Many of the commands listed here can also found on the UV Toolkit. See UV Editor overview.


Aligns the positions of the selected UVs. See Align UVs options.


Rotates the U and V values of the selected polygon.

Distribute UVs

Evenly spaces UVs across the chosen axes. See Transform > Distribute in the UV Editor Overview.

Distribution Distance
Specifies how far apart to space the UVs.
Distribute Along
Specifies which axes to evenly distribute the selected UVs.

Flips the positions of the selected UVs. See Flip UVs options.

Linear Align

Aligns all selected UVs along a linear trend line running through them.

Match Grid

See Match Grid in the UV Editor Overview.

Match UVs

See Match UVs in the UV Editor Overview.


Scales the UVs of the selected faces to within the 0 to 1 texture space. See Normalize UVs options.


Rotates selected UVs around a pivot. See Transform > Rotate in the UV Editor Overview.


After selecting this, choose an edge to symmetrize around. This will then symmetrize the current UV selection all at once. See Symmetrize UVs Tool.


Places the UVs of the selected faces on the boundary of the 0 to 1 texture space. Unitize is often used for mapping complex curved surfaces such as tubes and pipes. It takes each face of a UV shell, separates it, and then normalizes it to the 0 to 1 texture space. See Unitize UVs options.

Distribute Shells

Distributes selected UV shells in the chosen direction while ensuring a set amount of units between them. See Arrange and Layout > Distribute in the UV Editor Overview.

Specifies the direction to distribute the shells.
Shell Padding
Specifies the amount of space to leave between shells.
Gather Shells

See Gather Shells in the UV Editor Overview.


Attempts to rearrange the UV shells into a cleaner layout, based on the settings in the Layout UVs option box. See Layout UVs options.

Layout Along

Automatically arranges UV shells to maximize usage of UV space in the specified direction.

Orient Shells

See Orient Shells in the UV Editor Overview.

Orient Shells to Edges

See Orient Shells to Edges in the UV Editor Overview.

Randomize Shells

Randomizes UV shell translation, rotation, and scale. See Randomize Shells in the UV Editor Overview.

Specifies the axes that shell(s) can randomly move, as well as the maximum distance per shell.
Specifies the direction that shell(s) can randomly rotate, as well as the maximum degrees.
Specifies the direction that shell(s) can randomly scale, as well as the maximum amount (as a percent of its current size).
Snap and Stack

See Snap & Stack in the UV Editor Overview.

Snap Together

Moves one UV shell to the other by overlapping the selected UV on each. See Snap Together in the UV Editor Overview.

Stack Shells

See Stack Shells in the UV Editor Overview.

Stack Similar Shells

See Stack Similar in the UV Editor Overview.

Unstack Shells

Moves all selected UV shells so they no longer overlap while keeping them close together. See Unstack Shells in the UV Editor Overview.

Flip reversed UV shells
Reverses the winding order of any shells with a counter-clockwise order.
Map Border
Moves UV borders to the edges of 0 to +1 texture space. See Map UV Border options.
Note: Mapping UVs on multiple shells will map each shell independently.

Spreads out all UVs to make them easier to work with. See Optimize UVs options.

Straighten Border

Untangles the border of a UV texture shell, such as an edge that loops around itself. See Straighten UV Border options.

Straighten Shell

See Straighten Shell in the UV Editor Overview.

Straighten UVs

Aligns UVs with adjacent UVs that are within a certain angle of each other. See Straighten UVs in the UV Editor Overview.

Straighten Along
Specifies which axes to consider for straightening.
Specifies the maximum angle allowed between adjacent UVs to be straightened.

Lets you unwrap the UV mesh for a polygonal object, and attempts to prevent you from creating overlapping UVs. See Unfold UVs options.

Warp Image

Modifies a texture image by comparing two UV sets on a single polygonal mesh and produces a new bitmap image. See Warp Image UVs options.

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