Freeze regions on a model

The Freeze tool locks affected vertices on a model so they cannot be modified while you sculpt. By default, the affected faces appear blue when frozen.

To freeze vertices on a model

  1. In the Sculpting shelf, select the Freeze tool .
  2. In the scene, stroke regions on the model you want to freeze.

    The areas you stroke appear blue to indicate they are frozen.

    The opacity of the blue represents the amount of freezing. A fully opaque blue locks the affected vertices, whereas a partially opaque blue allows the vertices to move slightly when you sculpt. The Falloff setting controls how freezing is applied to your mesh. You can adjust falloff in the Tool Settings window. See Adjust sculpting tool falloff.

    Freezing persists when you reopen a saved file, letting you keep freeze values intact for subsequent sculpting sessions.

    Tip: If you are unable to see the blue strokes on your mesh, open the Tool Settings and ensure that Show frozen is selected in the Display panel.

To freeze a component selection

  1. Select faces, edges, or vertices.
  2. Click the Convert to frozen icon on the Sculpting shelf.

    The selected components are frozen, and the Freeze Tool activates automatically. The frozen areas appear blue.

    The frozen components persist after exiting and re-opening the sculpting tools.

    Note: If an object is selected, all of the vertices on the object are frozen.

To unfreeze vertices on a model

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Hold Ctrl and stroke on the frozen region.
    • Turn on Invert in the Tool Settings window and stroke on the frozen region.
    • To unfreeze all frozen areas on the model, press Shift + U.

After painting a frozen area on a mesh, you can invert the entire frozen area by pressing Ctrl + Shift + I.

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