bulletRigidBodyConstraintShape Node

This bulletRigidBodyConstraintShape node is from the Bullet plug-in.

Node name Parents MFn type Compatible function sets
bulletRigidBodyConstraintShape   MPxLocatorNode  


Long name (short name) Type Default Flags

constraintType (contyp)

enum 0 readable input
Constraint type. The valid enum values are: Point(0), Hinge(1), Slider(2), ConeTwist(3), 6DOF(4), Spring Hinge(5), Spring 6DOF(6)

useReferenceFrame (reffrm)

enum kReferenceFrameA readable input
Frame of Reference for the constraint axis and limits

rigidBodyA (rba)

BulletRigidBodyData::id   readable input
RigidBody to be constrained

rigidBodyB (rbb)

BulletRigidBodyData::id   readable input
RigidBody to be constrained

linearDamping (lindamp)

float 0.0 readable input
Linear damping for the body. Applies to: Slider, 6DOF

linearSoftness (linsoft)

float 0.0 readable input
Linear softness for the body. Applies to: Slider, 6DOF

linearRestitution (linrestit)

float 0.0 readable input
Linear restitution for the body. Applies to: Slider, 6DOF

angularDamping (angdamp)

float 0.0 readable input
Angular damping for the body. Applies to: Point, Slider, ConeTwist, 6DOF

angularSoftness (angsoft)

float 0.0 readable input
Angular softness for the body. Applies to: Slider, 6DOF

angularRestitution (angrestit)

float 0.0 readable input
Angular restitution for the body. Applies to: Slider, 6DOF

linearMotorEnabled (linmotor)

bool false

readable input keyable

Enable powered motor to push linearly. Applies to: Slider, 6DOF

linearMotorTargetSpeed (linmotortvel)

float3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 readable input keyable
Powered motor target speed. Applies to: Slider, 6DOF

linearMotorMaxForce (linmotormaxf)

float3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 readable input keyable
Powered motor max force. Applies to: Slider, 6DOF

angularMotorEnabled (angmotor)

bool false readable input keyable
Enable powered motor to spin. Applies to: Hinge, Slider, ConeTwist, 6DOF

angularMotorTargetSpeed (angmotortvel)

float3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 readable input keyable
Powered motor target spin speed. Applies to: Hinge, Slider, ConeTwist, 6DOF

angularMotorMaxForce (angmotormaxf)

float3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 readable input keyable
Powered motor max force . Applies to: Hinge, Slider, ConeTwist, 6DOF

linearConstraintX (linconx)

enum 0 readable input
Constrain translation along X axis. The valid enum values are: Free(0), Locked(1), Limited(2). Applies to: Slider, 6DOF, Spring 6DOF

linearConstraintY (lincony)

enum 0 readable input
Constrain translation along Y axis. The valid enum values are: Free(0), Locked(1), Limited(2). Applies to: 6DOF, Spring 6DOF

linearConstraintZ (linconz)

enum 0 readable input
Constrain translation along Z axis. The valid enum values are: Free(0), Locked(1), Limited(2). Applies to: 6DOF, Spring 6DOF, Spring Hinge.

angularConstraintX (angconx)

enum 0 readable input
Constrain rotation about X axis. The valid enum values are: Free(0), Locked(1), Limited(2). Applies to: ConeTwist (Max only), 6DOF

angularConstraintY (angcony)

enum 0 readable input
Constrain rotation about Y axis. The valid enum values are: Free(0), Locked(1), Limited(2). Applies to: ConeTwist (Max only), 6DOF

angularConstraintZ (angconz)

enum 0 readable input
Constrain rotation about Z axis. The valid enum values are: Free(0), Locked(1), Limited(2). Applies to: Hinge, ConeTwist (Max only), 6DOF, Spring Hinge, Spring 6DOF

linearConstraintMin (lcmin)

float3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  
Minimum limits for linear constraints. Applies to: 6DOF, Spring Hinge (Z only), Spring 6DOF

linearConstraintMax (lcmax)

float3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  
Maximum limits for linear constraints. Applies to: 6DOF, Spring Hinge (Z only), Spring 6DOF

angularConstraintMin (acmin)

float3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  
Minimum limits for linear constraints. Applies to: 6DOF, Spring Hinge (Z only), Spring 6DOF

angularConstraintMax (acmax)

float3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  
Maximum limits for linear constraints. Applies to: 6DOF, Spring Hinge (Z only), Spring 6DOF

linearLimitSoftness (linlimsoft)

float 1.0 readable input
Linear limit softness for the body. Applies to: Slider

linearLimitBias (linlimbias)

float 0.3 readable input
Linear limit bias for the body. Applies to: Slider

linearLimitRelaxation (linlimrelax)

float 1.0 readable input
Linear limit relaxation for the body. Applies to: Slider

angularLimitSoftness (anglimsoft)

float 1.0 readable input
Angular limit softness for the body. Applies to: Hinge, Slider, ConeTwist

angularLimitBias (anglimbias)

float 0.3 readable input
Angular limit bias for the body. Applies to: Hinge, Slider, ConeTwist

angularLimitRelaxation (anglimrelax)

float 1.0 readable input
Angular limit relaxation for the body. Applies to: Hinge, Slider, ConeTwist

linearSpringEnabledX (linspringX)

bool false readable input keyable
Enable linear spring in X translation. Applies to: Spring 6DOF

linearSpringEnabledY (linspringY)

bool false readable input keyable
Enable linear spring in Y translation. Applies to: Spring Hinge, Spring 6DOF  

linearSpringEnabledZ (linspringZ)

bool false readable input keyable
Enable linear spring in Z translation. Applies to: Spring 6DOF

linearSpringStiffness (linspstiff)

float3 39.478, 39.478, 39.478 readable input
Linear spring stiffness for the body. This is a positive value greater than or equal to 0.0. Applies to: Spring Hinge (Y only), Spring 6DOF


float3 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 readable input
Angular spring dampening for the body. This is a positive value between the values of 0.0 and 1.0; a value of 1.0 means no dampening. Applies to: Spring Hinge (Y only), Spring 6DOF

angularSpringEnabledX (angspringX)

bool false readable input keyable
Enable angular spring in X rotation. Applies to: Spring Hinge, Spring 6DOF

angularSpringEnabledY (angspringY)

bool false readable input keyable
Enable angular spring in Y rotation. Applies to: Spring Hinge, Spring 6DOF

angularSpringEnabledZ (angspringZ)

bool false readable input keyable
Enable angular spring in Z rotation. Applies to: Spring 6DOF

angularSpringStiffness (angspstiff)

float3 39.478, 39.478, 39.478 readable input
Angular spring stiffness for the body. This is a positive value greater than or equal to 0.0. Applies to: Spring Hinge, Spring 6DOF (Y only)


float3 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 readable input
Angular spring dampening for the body. This is a positive value between the values of 0.0 and 1.0; a value of 1.0 means no dampening. Applies to: Spring Hinge, Spring 6DOF (Y only)

solverInitialized (solinit)

BulletSolverData::id   readable input
SolverData pointer to the initialized solver. Also makes sure data processed in the correct order for new/delete and add/remove.

startTime (st)

time   hidden
Initializing time for the shape.

currentTime (ct)

Current time for the solver

outConstraintData (outcondata)

BulletRigidBodyConstraintData::id   output
Current RigidBody constraint data.