Use these options to control how goals objects behave in your effect.
The goal weight sets how much all particles of the trailing object are attracted to the goal. You can set the goal weight before you create the goal using the Goal options window.
You can set goal weight to a value between 0 and 1. A value of 0 means that the goal’s position has no effect on the trailing particles. A value of 1 moves the trailing particles to the goal object position immediately.
A value between 0 and 1 causes the particles to move toward the goal as if bound to it by an elastic spring. The closer to 1, the faster the trailing particles settle at their final position. The goal weight value is 0.5 by default.
You can turn the effect of a goal object off or on without setting goal weight. With the trailing particle object attributes displayed in the Attribute Editor, turn off the Goal Active attribute associated with the goal object.
Makes particles follow the object’s transform rather than its particles, CVs, vertices, or lattice points.