Lets you fill the volume polygon geometry with nParticles. This geometry must have a potential volume with a concave region that can contain hold nParticles. You can use Fill Object to fill nCloth and passive collision objects with nParticles.
nParticles > Fill Object >
to set the
Fill Object Options.
See also Fill objects with nParticles.
Opens the Content Browser to the nParticle Examples folder. Middle-drag an nParticle example into the view to open a Maya scene containing an nParticle effect. Use these examples to explore how nParticles works to create your own effects, or modify them to customize the effects.
Lets you create a goal object, which particles follow or move towards.
nParticles > Goal >
to set the
Goal Options.
Lets you create instances of objects to replace the nParticles in your simulation so that the objects behave as nParticles in the scene.
nParticles > Instancer >
to set the
Particles Instancer Options.
Lets you create and position particles individually or in grids or spherical regions. By default, the nParticle Tool creates particles individually, one particle per mouse click.
nParticle Tool
to set the
nParticle Tool Options.
See Create individual nParticles nParticle clouds and nParticle grids.
Lets you convert the selected object to a Maya soft body which is solved as a Nucleus object.
nParticles > Soft Body >
to set the
Soft Body Options.
See Create soft bodies.
Lets you use the Paint Attributes Tool to set goal weights on a soft body object. You can paint weights on the object as per particle values. To Paint weights on a soft body, the object must be created with Make Non-Soft a Goal turned on in the Soft Body Options.
nParticles > Paint Soft Body Weights Tool >
to set the
Paint Soft Body Weights Tool Options.
Lets you add spring-like links between nParticles as well as between and other objects, including nCloth, passive collision, and polygon objects, to give them reactive, interconnected motion.
nParticles > Springs >
to set the
Springs Options.
Lets you select the particle render type when creating an nParticle object. nParticles for each type are created with pre-defined attribute settings. After selecting a particle render type, use the nParticle Tool or create a particle emitter to start your nParticle effect.
See also nParticle Shading attributes.
nParticles > Create Emitter >
to set the
Create Emitter Options.
See Emit nParticles.
Creates an emitter object, which emits particles from the surface of selected polygon or NURBS objects. The emitted particles are of the set particle render type.
nParticles > Emit From Object >
to set the
Create Emitter Options.
Lets you vary emission rates on a per-particle basis when particles are emitted from object. This option creates an attribute named Emitter Rate PP and connects it the geometry that is emitting particles. You can use this attribute to set emission rates at each CV or vertex.
Lets you connect an nParticle object to a selected emitter.
Opens the Particle Collision Event Editor, which lets you can create, edit, and delete particle collisions.
See Particle Collision Event Editor and Work with nParticle collisions.
Opens the Sprite Wizard window, which lets you select a texture, image, or image sequence to display at each nParticle.
These options display by default, but can be hidden by setting the MAYA_ENABLE_LEGACY_PARTICLES environment variable to 0.
For information about the Legacy Particles menu items, see Maya Classic Dynamics.