Create an nParticle Force Field Constraint

Create a Force Field constraint to push nParticle objects away from the center of the constraint in a radial field with spherical volume bounds.

Force Field constraints are not related to the force fields generated by Nucleus objects.

To create a Force Field constraint

  1. Select the nParticle object you want to constrain.
  2. In the FX menu set, select nConstraint > Force Field > .
  3. Click Create Constraint or Apply.

    The Force Field locator appears at the center of the selected nParticle object, and the dynamicConstraint node appears in the Attribute Editor.

    The preset properties on the dynamicConstraint node determine the constraint's type (in this case, a Force Field constraint) and how it behaves. For example, you can create a Force Field constraint with the following attribute settings:

    • Spring as the Constraint Method
    • All to First as the Component Relation
    • Component Order as the Connection Method

    See dynamicConstraintShape.

  4. Adjust the location, size, and rotation of the Force Field constraint using Maya’s Move, Size and Rotate tools.

    The location, size and rotation of the locator determines the size, shape, and volume of the Force Field constraint.

  5. (Optional) Adjust the Force, Strength, and Strength Dropoff attributes on the dynamicConstraint node to determine the power of the force field. Positive values cause the force field to push out or repel, while negative values cause the force field to attract nParticles.

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