nRigidShape node


When turned on, the passive collision object is included in its Maya Nucleus solver's calculations. When turned off, the passive collision object is not included in its Maya Nucleus solver's calculations, and the object behaves like a regular polygon object.

For the current passive object to collide with nCloth objects and nParticle objects that share the same Maya Nucleus solver, Collide must also be turned on.



When on, the current passive object collides with nCloth objects, nParticle objects, and other passive objects that share the same Maya Nucleus solver. When off, the current passive object does not collide with nCloth or nParticle objects.

Collision Flag

Specifies which of the current passive object’s components participate in its collisions.


The current passive object’s vertices collide. Collisions occur at the collision spheres that surround each of the passive object’s vertices.


The current passive object’s edges collide. Collisions occur at the collision cylinders that surround each of the passive object’s edges.


The current passive object’s faces collide. Collisions occur at the collision surface that is offset from the passive object’s faces. When the current passive object’s Thickness value is greater than 0.0, its face collisions are the sum of its vertex, edge, and face collisions. This extends and rounds the borders of the collision surface.

Collide Strength

Specifies the strength of collisions between the passive collision object and other Nucleus objects. At the default value of 1, the object fully collides with other Nucleus objects. Collide Strength values between 0 and 1 dampen the full collision, while 0 turns off the object's collisions (which is the same as turning off the object's Collide attribute).

You can use Paint Vertex Properties to paint Collide Strength values on a per- vertex basis, to dampen or disable collisions on selected vertices.

Collision Layer

Assigns the current passive object to a specific collision layer. Collision Layers determine how nCloth, nParticle, and passive objects that share the same Maya Nucleus solver interact. This is useful when layering nCloth clothing.

nCloth, nParticle, and passive objects on the same collision layer collide normally. However, when nCloth, nParticle, and passive objects are on different layers, the nCloth, nParticle, or passive objects on lower value layers will have priority over nCloth, nParticle, or passive objects on higher value layers. So a passive object on collision layer 0.0 will push an nCloth object on collision layer 1.0, which in turn will push the nCloth object on collision layer 2.0. This collision priority occurs in the range set by the Collision Layer Range attribute on the nucleus node.

For example, the passive object skin of a character is on collision layer 0.0, its nCloth shirt is on collision layer 1.0, and its nCloth jacket is on collision layer 2.0. If the Collision Layer Range is 1.0, then the shirt interacts with the skin and the jacket, but the jacket and skin do not interact because their values vary by more than 1. Also, because of the collision priority, the shirt pushes the jacket, but the jacket does not push the shirt; the jacket behaves as if the shirt is a deforming passive object.

When the collision layer difference for two objects is 1.0 or more, the lower layer is essentially rigid relative to the higher layer. For collision layer differences less than one, the relative push (or mass) becomes more equal.


nCloth objects do not collide with passive (nRigid) objects that have a higher layer value.


Specifies the radius or depth of the current passive object’s collision volumes. Collision volumes are non-renderable surfaces offset from a passive object’s vertices, edges, and faces that the Maya Nucleus solver uses when calculating collisions with nCloth objects, nParticle objects, or other passive objects.

Collisions occur at a passive object’s collision volumes, not at the surface of the passive object itself. The following collision volumes are used by passive objects: collision spheres for vertex collisions, collision cylinders for edge collisions, and collision planes for face collisions. Each collision volume on a passive object has the same radius or depth unless overridden by a Thickness Map. See Collision Properties Maps.

Thickness also determines how thick the current passive object appears.

Solver Display

Specifies what Maya Nucleus solver information is displayed in the scene view for the current passive object. Solver Display can help you better diagnose and troubleshoot any problems you may be having with the current passive object.


No Maya Nucleus solver information is displayed in the scene view.

Collision Thickness

The collision volumes for the current passive object are displayed in the scene view. Collision Thickness helps you visualize a passive object’s thickness and it is useful when tweaking a passive object’s collisions with nCloth, nParticle, or other passive objects.

Display Color

Specifies the color of the collision volumes for the current passive object. Display Color is only visible when your scene view display mode is set to Shading > Smooth Shade Selected Items or Shading > Flat Shade Selected Items.


Specifies the springiness or bounciness of the current passive object. Bounce determines the amount of the passive object’s deflection or rebound on collision with itself, other passive objects, nCloth objects, and nParticle objects.

The amount of Bounce a passive object should have is determined by its type of fabric or material. For example, a passive object with a Bounce of 0.0 would not be bouncy (such as concrete) and a passive object with a Bounce of 1.0 would be very bouncy (such as rubber). Bounce is 0.0 by default.


Specifies the amount of friction for the current passive object. Friction determines how much a passive object resists relative motion on collision with itself, other passive objects, nCloth objects, or nParticle objects.

The amount of Friction a passive collision object should have is determined by its type of fabric or material. For example, a passive object with a Friction of 0.0 would be fairly smooth (such as silk) and a passive object with a Friction of 1.0 would be fairly rough (such as burlap). Friction is 0.1 by default.

The affect of Friction is influenced by the object’s Stickiness value.


Stickiness specifies the tendency of the passive collision object to stick to other Nucleus objects when nCloth, nParticle, and passive objects collide.

Stickiness and Friction are similar attributes in that Stickiness is an adhesion force in the normal direction, while Friction is a force acting in the tangent direction. As with Friction, the Stickiness value used in a collision is the sum of the two colliding objects. So, for full sticking, the Friction and Stickiness on the colliding objects should be 1.0. Note that if Stickiness and Friction are both set to 2 on an object, this object will stick to other Nucleus objects that have Stickiness set to 0.

Collision Properties Maps

Collide Strength Map Type / Collide Strength Map

Collide Strength Map Type determines which collide strength map, if any, to use for the current passive collision object. Select None (no map), Per-vertex (map is applied per-vertex), or Texture (uses the texture map specified by the Collide Strength Map attribute). If you have already painted a vertex map and a texture map, use Collide Strength Map Type to select which one to use.

Collide Strength Map specifies the texture map used as a collide strength map. This attribute is only available when the Collide Strength Map Type is set to Texture. You need to create a file texture node to use a texture file. See also nCloth Collision attributes.

Thickness Map Type / Thickness Map

Thickness Map Type determines which thickness map, if any, to use for this passive collision object. Select None (no map), Per-vertex (map is applied per-vertex), or Texture (uses the texture map specified by the Thickness Map attribute). If you have already painted a vertex map and a texture map, use Thickness Map Type to select which one to use.

Thickness Map specifies the texture map used as a thickness map. This attribute is only available when the Thickness Map Type is set to Texture. You need to create a file texture node to use a texture file.

Bounce Map Type / Bounce Map

Bounce Map type which bounce map, if any to use for this passive object. Select None (no map), Per-vertex (map is applied per-vertex), or Texture (uses the texture map specified by the Bounce Map attribute). If you have already painted a vertex map and a texture map, use Bounce Map type to select which one to use.

Bounce Map specifies the texture map used as a bounce map. This attribute is only available when the Bounce Map Type is set to Texture. You need to create a file texture node to use a texture file.

Friction Map Type / Friction Map

Friction Map Type determines which friction map, if any, to use for this passive object. Select None (no map), Per-vertex (map is applied per-vertex), or Texture (uses the texture map specified by the Friction Map attribute). If you have already painted a vertex map and a texture map, use Friction Map Type to select which one to use.

Friction Map specifies the texture map used as a friction map. This attribute is only available when the Friction Map Type is set to Texture. You need to create a file texture node to use a texture file.

Stickiness Map Type/ Stickiness Map

Stickiness Map Type determines which, if any, stickiness map for this passive collision object. Select None (no map), Per-vertex (map is applied per-vertex), or Texture (uses the texture map specified by the Friction Map attribute). If you have already painted a vertex map and a texture map, use Stickiness Map Type to select which one to use.

Stickiness Map specifies the texture map used as a stickiness map. This attribute is only available when the Stickiness Map Type is set to Texture. You need to create a file texture node to use a texture file. See also nCloth Dynamic Properties.

Force Field Generation

Generates a force field that can push (positive fields) nCloth and nParticle objects away from the current passive collision objects, and pull (negative fields) nCloth and nParticle objects toward the current passive collision object. A Force Field can only be exerted on Nucleus objects that are assigned to the same Nucleus solver as the nCloth object that is generating the Force Field.

See Generate Force Fields with nCloth.

Force Field

Sets the orientation of the Force Field, meaning from which part of the passive collision object the force is to be generated.


Force Field generation is turned off.

Along Normal

The Force Field is generated from the surface normals of the passive collision object.

Single Sided

The Force Field is generated from the positive normal side of the passive collision object.

Double Sided

The Force Field is generated on both sides of the normal (positive and negative sides) of the passive collision object.

Field Magnitude

Sets the strength of the Force Field. Positive Field Magnitude values push nCloth and nParticle objects away from the current passive collision. Negative Field Magnitude values pull nCloth and nParticle objects toward the current passive collision.

Field Distance

Sets the distance (in field units) from the surface of the force generating passive collision object that the Force Field is active. Outside the Field Distance, the Force Field does not repel or attract nCloth and nParticle objects.

Field Scale

a Field Scale ramp that can be used to vary Field Magnitude along the Field Distance. By clicking on the graph and dragging the position markers, you make a curve that defines Field Magnitude for any input value. Selected Position and Selected Value are used to edit the individual curve points.

Selected Position

This value indicates the position of Field Magnitude on the ramp. The left position on ramp represents Field Magnitude along the surface on the passive collision object. The right position on the curve represents the Field Magnitude at the edge of the Field Distance.

Selected Value

This value indicates the Field Magnitude of the Force Field at the selected position.


Controls the way Field Magnitude blends between positions on the ramp. The default setting is Linear.


The Field Scale curve is flat between points.


The Field Magnitude values are interpolated with a linear curve.


TheField Magnitude values are interpolated along a bell curve, so that each value on the ramp dominates the region around it, then blends quickly to the next Field Magnitude value.


The values are interpolated with a spline curve, taking neighboring indices into account for greater smoothness.

Force Field Maps

Field Magnitude Map Type/ Field Magnitude Map

Field Magnitude Map Type determines which, if any, Field Magnitude Map to use for this object. Select None (no map), Per-vertex (map is applied per-vertex), or Texture (uses the texture map specified by the Field Magnitude Map attribute). If you have already painted a vertex map and a texture map, use Field Magnitude Map Type to select which one to use.

Field Magnitude Map specifies the texture map used as a Field Magnitude map. This attribute is only available when the Field Magnitude Map Type is set to Texture. You need to create a file texture node to use a texture file. See also nCloth Force Field Generation attributes.

Wind Field Generation

Air Push Distance

Specifies the distance over which the wind created by current passive collision object affects nCloth and nParticle objects in the same Nucleus system.

When Air Push Distance is 0, no wind is generated by the current passive collision object. When Air Push Distance is greater than 0, the wind created by the passive collision object affects nCloth and nParticle objects in the same Nucleus system. The higher the Air Push Distance, the greater the distance over which the wind created by the current passive collision affects nCloth and nParticle objects in the same Nucleus system.

  • We recommend that you do not use Wind Shadow Distance and Air Push Distance together.
  • Air Push Distance is more processor-intensive than Wind Shadow Distance.
  • The effect of Air Push Distance is relative to the wind velocity, so a stationary object will slow down the wind within the push distance.
Air Push Vorticity

Specifies the amount of circulation or rotation in the flow of air being pushed by the current passive collision object, as well as the amount of curl in the flow of wind created by the current passive collision object. Air Push Vorticity changes the direction of the wind created by the passive collision object.

Air Push Vorticity only affect’s Nucleus objects when Air Push Distance is greater than 0.

Wind Shadow Distance

Specifies the distance over which the current passive collision object blocks the dynamic wind of its Nucleus system from nCloth, nParticle, and other passive objects in its system.

When Wind Shadow Distance is 0, no wind is blocked by the current passive collision object. When Wind Shadow Distance is greater than 0, the dynamic wind of its Nucleus system is blocked by the current passive collision object. The higher the Wind Shadow Distance, the greater the distance for which the current passive collision object blocks the dynamic wind of its Nucleus system.

Wind Shadow Diffusion

Specifies the amount the dynamic wind curls around the current passive collision object as it blocks the dynamic wind of its Nucleus system.

Quality Settings

Trapped Check

When on, tracks collision crossovers between different objects and attempts to push the points that cross over, back. This setting assumes that the surface of the objects are in a good state at the start, and attempts to preserve that state.

The Trapped Check is useful in cases where nCloth is caught between passive objects, which interpenetrate, like an elbow passing through the chest of a character. Instead of the geometry being stuck on the wrong side, the Trapped Check allows the cloth to push back to the correct side when the passive objects separate.

Push Out

A force that pushes out objects that are intersecting or interpenetrating, to the nearest point on the current nCloth object’s surface. A value of 1 pushes objects out in one step, while lower values push out in more steps but provide smoother results. A positive Push Out value results in objects pushing in the direction of the surface normal. A negative Push Out value results in objects pushing in the opposite direction of the surface normal.

Push Out relies on the Push Out Radius to determine which objects and points are affected (objects and points farther than the Push Out Radius are ignored).

Push Out is useful for objects colliding at the start frame. In addition, you can animate this attribute to resolve a bad state at certain frames.

Push Out Radius

Specifies the maximum distance from the surface of the current nCloth object that the Push Out attribute affects. Objects that are farther away than the distance specified by the Push Out Radius are not affected.

Crossover Push

A force applied to objects along the contour where they crossover with the current nCloth object. Crossover Push works only at the point of crossover so it may take several steps for the surface to reach a good state. Use Crossover Push to resolve interpenetration at the start frame, or to correct sharp edges.

  • Disable collisions, or turn on Trapped Check if you are using Crossover Push to resolve interpenetration.
  • Crossover Push may shift or rotate meshes in some cases.