Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Related. MEL examples.
pluginResourceUtil(string $pluginName, string $outputFile)
This utility script extracts localizable resources for a
plugin to an output file.
The procedure will produce a script file containing the default
resource values for all resources registered with the plugin.
This includes all MStringResource values registered in the plugin
source code, the localizable node and attribute strings for
each node registered with the plugin and all plugin resources
registered in mel scripts (using registerPluginResource)
The extracted resources can then be localized and the resulting file
will be suitable for use with the loadPluginLanguageResources command.
Note that the script only runs if the UI language is
set to the English default (it will not produce the desired default
values when running in a localized setting).
getPluginResource, loadPluginLanguageResources, registerPluginResource, setPluginResource
Variable Name |
Variable Type |
Description |
$pluginName | string | Unique Plugin name (as passed to loadPlugin)
$filename | string | file name for redirection of output (or "")
// Extract localizable resources for the plugin "myPlugin"
// and store them in the file "myPlugin.pres.mel"
pluginResourceUtil("myPlugin", "myPlugin.pres.mel")
// Show all localizable resources for the plugin "myPlugin"
// but do not redirect the output to a file.
pluginResourceUtil("myPlugin", "")