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dynAuxiliary is a base class node for all fields and emitters. It encapulsates the machinery common to all those objects. Its basic task is to handle drawing and selection tasks which are common to all those classes. The name "dynBase" is vestigial.

This node is abstract

Node nameParentsMFn typeCompatible function sets

Related nodes

rigidConstraint, field, airField, turbulenceField, radialField, vortexField, newtonField, volumeAxisField, dragField, uniformField, gravityField, pointEmitter, particle, rigidBody, geoConnectable, spring

Attributes (10)

fromWhere, owner, ownerCentroid, ownerCentroidX, ownerCentroidY, ownerCentroidZ, ownerPosData, ownerVelData, positional, subsetId

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
fromWhere (fw) short0outputinputconnectablestorable
Obsolete. This attribute was used in version 1. It is no longer used.
owner (ow) Messagen/aoutputinputconnectable
Obsolete. This attribute was used in version 1. It is no longer used.
ownerCentroid (ocd) double3outputinputconnectable
Centroid of the owner's CV's or particles positions.
ownerCentroidX (ocx) distance (double)0.0cmoutputinputconnectable
x-component of centroid of the owner position.
ownerCentroidY (ocy) distance (double)0.0cmoutputinputconnectable
y-component of centroid of the owner position.
ownerCentroidZ (ocz) distance (double)0.0cmoutputinputconnectable
z-component of centroid of the owner position.
ownerPosData (opd) vectorArrayemptyoutputinputconnectable
owner's position data array.
ownerVelData (ovd) vectorArrayemptyoutputinputconnectable
owner's velocity data array.
positional (psl) boolfalseoutputconnectablehidden
Tells UI if this is a positional object. This is for convenience of the UI only.
subsetId (sid) integer-1outputinputconnectablestorable
Obsolete. This attribute was used in version 1. It is no longer used. In v1.0, recorded which set of vertices/cvs to use.