Go to: Related nodes. Attributes.

The field node is a base class node for all fields. It includes the attributes which are common to all the fields, such as magnitude. Each derived class provides the machinery to compute its particular field force from these attributes.

This node is abstract

Node nameParentsMFn typeCompatible function sets

Related nodes

rigidConstraint, dynBase, airField, turbulenceField, radialField, vortexField, newtonField, volumeAxisField, dragField, uniformField, gravityField, pointEmitter, particle, rigidBody, geoConnectable, spring

Attributes (38)

applyPerVertex, attenuation, axialMagnitude, axialMagnitude_FloatValue, axialMagnitude_Interp, axialMagnitude_Position, curveRadius, curveRadius_FloatValue, curveRadius_Interp, curveRadius_Position, deltaTime, falloffCurve, falloffCurve_FloatValue, falloffCurve_Interp, falloffCurve_Position, inputCurve, inputData, inputForce, inputMass, inputPPData, inputPositions, inputVelocities, magnitude, maxDistance, outputForce, ownerPPData, sectionRadius, trapEnds, trapInside, trapRadius, useMaxDistance, volumeExclusion, volumeOffset, volumeOffsetX, volumeOffsetY, volumeOffsetZ, volumeShape, volumeSweep

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
applyPerVertex (apv) boolfalseoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
apply per vertex (true) or from centroid (false)
attenuation (att) double0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
field attenuation
axialMagnitude (amag) compoundn/aarrayoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Scale the field magnitude along the volume axis. For a curve volume shape the left would represent the magnitude at the base of the nurbs curve and right would be the magnitude at the tip. For a volume cylinder left to right controls the field magnitude from bottom to top.
axialMagnitude_Position (amagp) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Position of ramp value on normalized 0-1 scale
axialMagnitude_FloatValue (amagfv) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Ramp value at the sibling position
axialMagnitude_Interp (amagi) enum0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Ramp Interpolation controls the way the intermediate values are calculated. The values are:
    None: No interpolation is done; the different colors just show up as different bands in the final texture.

    Linear: The values are interpolated linearly in RGB color space.

    Smooth: The values are interpolated along a bell curve, so that each color on the ramp dominates the region around it, then blends quickly to the next color.

    Spline: The values are interpolated with a spline curve, taking neighboring indices into account for greater smoothness.

curveRadius (crad) compoundn/aarrayoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Scale the extent of the volume along the curve. One must use the curve volume shape and also have a curve node attached to the field to use this. The radius along the curve at a given point is defined by the SectionRadius multiplied by the CurveRadius value for that point. The left of the ramp represents the start of the curve (param = 0) and the right is the end of the curve.
curveRadius_Position (cradp) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Position of ramp value on normalized 0-1 scale
curveRadius_FloatValue (cradfv) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Ramp value at the sibling position
curveRadius_Interp (cradi) enum0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Ramp Interpolation controls the way the intermediate values are calculated. The values are:
    None: No interpolation is done; the different colors just show up as different bands in the final texture.

    Linear: The values are interpolated linearly in RGB color space.

    Smooth: The values are interpolated along a bell curve, so that each color on the ramp dominates the region around it, then blends quickly to the next color.

    Spline: The values are interpolated with a spline curve, taking neighboring indices into account for greater smoothness.

falloffCurve (fc) compoundn/aarrayoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Define the falloff curve to use with maxDistance
falloffCurve_Position (fcp) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Position of ramp value on normalized 0-1 scale
falloffCurve_FloatValue (fcfv) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Ramp value at the sibling position
falloffCurve_Interp (fci) enum0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Ramp Interpolation controls the way the intermediate values are calculated. The values are:
    None: No interpolation is done; the different colors just show up as different bands in the final texture.

    Linear: The values are interpolated linearly in RGB color space.

    Smooth: The values are interpolated along a bell curve, so that each color on the ramp dominates the region around it, then blends quickly to the next color.

    Spline: The values are interpolated with a spline curve, taking neighboring indices into account for greater smoothness.

inputCurve (icv) nurbsCurvenullptroutputinputconnectable
Input curve shape to use for curve based fields
inputData (ind) compoundn/aarrayoutputinputconnectable
Data from dynamic nodes for computing new output force. The field gets data from a set of "points" (particles, locations on a rigid body, etc.) and returns a force computed for each point. Arbitrary user-defined nodes can make use of the field as int as they can give data for a set of points and can interpret the outputs. Nodes using the field should take care to set up their attributes so as not to cause a DG loop.
inputPositions (inp) vectorArrayemptyoutputinputconnectable
Input position array
inputVelocities (inv) vectorArrayemptyoutputinputconnectable
Input velocity array
inputMass (inm) doubleArrayemptyoutputinputconnectable
Input mass array
deltaTime (dt) time0filmoutputinputconnectablehidden
Some fields may need deltaTime to compute force. Of the standard nodes, vortex is the only one. User-defined nodes can use this attribute if they wish.
inputForce (inf) vectorArrayemptyarrayoutputinputconnectable
Force data from dynamic nodes for computing new output force. If an array of forces is supplied here, the field will ADD its force to that array instead of writing it to outputForce. The particle shape uses this to gain some important efficiencies.
inputPPData (ppda) genericArrayemptyarrayoutputinputconnectablehidden
This contains a list of arrays and each array stores the per particle inforamtion of a particular attribute that is used to drive this field
magnitude (mag) double1.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
field magnitude
maxDistance (max) distance (double)-1.0cmoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
field max distance
outputForce (of) vectorArrayemptyarrayoutputconnectable
Force data output to dynamic nodes. The entries in this output array match the input entries in inputPositions et al.
ownerPPData (oppd) genericArrayemptyoutputinputconnectablehidden
This contains a list of arrays and each array stores the per particle inforamtion of a particular attribute that is used to drive this field
trapEnds (ten) booltrueoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Indicates for volume curves and cylinders if the trap force is also applied along caps or ends.
trapInside (trin) double0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
This applies a force to keep objects inside the volume.
trapRadius (trra) double2.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
This is the local space distance from the volume boundary within which the trapInside force is applied.
useMaxDistance (umd) boolfalseoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
use max distance value (if true) or infinite distance (if false)
volumeExclusion (vex) boolfalseoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Indicates that the field should be apply outside the volume.
volumeOffset (vfo) double3outputinputconnectablestorable
offset of the field from the volume.
volumeOffsetX (vox) distance (double)0.0cmoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
X-component of volume field offset.
volumeOffsetY (voy) distance (double)0.0cmoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Y-component of volume field offset.
volumeOffsetZ (voz) distance (double)0.0cmoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Z-component of volume field offset.
volumeSweep (vsw) angle (double)360.0degoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Sweep of the volume sphere, cone, cylinder and torus.
volumeShape (vol) enum0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Indicates the shape of volume the field will use. If set to None, volume controls are disabled.
sectionRadius (tsr) distance (double)0.5cmoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Applies to torus volumes only. The radius of a section of the torus.