Cycle Creator tool

Use the Cycle Creator to automatically generate an animation cycle from marked start and end frames of animated segment in the timeline. The animation cycle is saved as a new take.

By default, MotionBuilder generates the cycle by pasting the start frame pose to a key at the end frame of the marked segment. It then determines which frame between the start and end frames has the pose which differs most from the start frame pose and adds a zero key. This frame is used as midpoint in the cycle with the identical start and end frames of the animation completing the cycle.

Access the Cycle Creator tool by selecting Window > Cycle Creator. See also Creating animation cycles using the Cycle Creator tool.


Indicates that the preconditions for creating an animation cycle have been met:

If these preconditions are not met, the Cycle Create tool cannot generate the animation cycle.


T (translation), R (rotation), and G (gravity)

These match options let you match the translation, rotation, and gravity values of the selected character's control rig effectors to the animation cycle. Theses options are based on the match options in the Pose Controls window. See Match options.

Move Start to Zero

When on, the first frame of the cycle is reset to start on frame 0 of the timeline.

Add zero key

When on, a zero key is added on the frame where the pose is the most different from the start pose. A new animation layer is created for this keyframe. Add zero key is on by default.

Adding a zero key allows the base animation to be retained from the start pose through to the zeroed frame, which is the frame with the greatest pose difference. After this point, the animation begins blending toward the end pose, which is identical to the start pose. When Add zero key is off, the second pose is gradually blended from the first frame

Reference IK Controller

Lets you select which effector to reference for pasting the start pose on the last frame of the cycle. By default, this is set the control rig's Hips Effector.

New Take Name
Take name that is given to the new cycle when it is saved.