Right-click on Displacement in a subcase and select Edit. Check the box beside Vector Options tab.
The Vector Options tab has the following main sections:
- You can choose from different types of results to display in the vector plot, as shown in the figure above.
- As an example, if SOLID STRESS is selected under Results, various normal stresses and principal stresses can be displayed in the vector format.
- In the example shown in the figure below, the normal stresses are displayed as a vector plot on the deformed mesh.
- You may choose to display multiple vector plots in the same plot or a vector plot on a contour plot, and so on.
- You can select to view the vectors along single direction, a combination of directions, or just their magnitudes.
- When SOLID STRESS is chosen under Results, you can select to view the vectors along a single direction, a plane, a combination of these, or just their minimum, middle, and/or maximum principal stresses.
Display Options:
- You can change the size of the vector arrows.