Miscellaneous Element Grid Point Results Column Descriptions

Vector Id Label Description
775 SHELL MESH CONVERGENCE ERROR BOTTOM Shell element grid point bottom side (side 1) normalized mesh convergence error. Controlled by STRESS(CORNER) Case Control command and PARAM, STRESSERROR or GPDISCONT Case Control command.
776 SHELL MESH CONVERGENCE ERROR TOP Shell element grid point top side (side 2) normalized mesh convergence error. Controlled by STRESS(CORNER) Case Control command and PARAM, STRESSERROR or GPDISCONT Case Control command.
777 SHELL MAX MESH CONVERGENCE ERROR BOTTOM/TOP Shell element maximum normalized mesh convergence error (of bottom and top). Controlled by STRESS(CORNER) Case Control command and PARAM, STRESSERROR or GPDISCONT Case Control command.
778 SOLID MESH CONVERGENCE ERROR Solid element grid point normalized mesh convergence error. Controlled by STRESS(CORNER) Case Control command and PARAM, STRESSERROR or GPDISCONT Case Control command.