Shell Element Grid Point Results Column Descriptions

Vector Id Label Description
71 SHELL NORMAL-X TOP STRESS Shell element top side (side 2) normal stress in SURFACE x-direction. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
72 SHELL NORMAL-Y TOP STRESS Shell element top side (side 2) normal stress in SURFACE y-direction. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
73 SHELL SHEAR-XY TOP STRESS Shell element top side (side 2) normal stress in SURFACE xy-direction (tensor x-face, y-direction). Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
74 SHELL MAJOR PRINCIPAL TOP STRESS Shell element top side (side 2) major principal stress. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
75 SHELL MINOR PRINCIPAL TOP STRESS Shell element top side (side 2) minor principal stress. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
76 SHELL ZERO SHEAR STRESS ANGLE TOP Shell element top side (side 2) zero shear stress angle in degrees. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
77 SHELL MAX SHEAR TOP STRESS Shell element top side (side 2) maximum shear stress. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
77 SHELL TRESCA TOP STRESS Shell element top side (side 2) Tresca stress . Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
78 SHELL VON MISES TOP STRESS Shell element top side (side 2) von Mises stress. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
81 SHELL NORMAL-X BOTTOM STRESS Shell element bottom side (side 1) normal stress in SURFACE x-direction. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
82 SHELL NORMAL-Y BOTTOM STRESS Shell element bottom side (side 1) normal stress in SURFACE y-direction. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
83 SHELL SHEAR-XY BOTTOM STRESS Shell element bottom side (side 1) normal stress in SURFACE xy-direction (tensor x-face, y-direction). Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
84 SHELL MAJOR PRINCIPAL STRESS BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) major principal stress. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
85 SHELL MINOR PRINCIPAL STRESS BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) minor principal stress. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
87 SHELL MAX SHEAR STRESS BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) maximum shear strain. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
87 SHELL TRESCA STRESS BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) Tresca stress . Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
88 SHELL VON MISES STRESS BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) von Mises stress. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
113 SHELL MAX VON MISES STRESS BOTTOM/TOP Shell element maximum von Mises stress. Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
114 SHELL MAX SHEAR STRESS BOTTOM/TOP Shell element maximum shear stress (of bottom and top). Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
114 SHELL TRESCA STRESS BOTTOM/TOP Shell element maximum Tresca stress (of bottom and top). Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
115 SHELL MAX PRINCIPAL STRESS BOTTOM/TOP Shell element maximum principal stress (of bottom and top). Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
116 SHELL MIN PRINCIPAL STRESS BOTTOM/TOP Shell element minimum principal stress (of bottom and top). Controlled by STRESS Case Control command.
660 SHELL NORMAL-X STRAIN TOP Shell element top side (side 2) normal strain in SURFACE x-direction. Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
661 SHELL NORMAL-Y STRAIN TOP Shell element top side (side 2) normal strain in SURFACE y-direction. Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
662 SHELL SHEAR-XY STRAIN TOP Shell element top side (side 2) normal strain in SURFACE xy-direction (tensor x-face, y-direction). Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
663 SHELL MAJOR PRINCIPAL STRAIN TOP Shell element top side (side 2) major principal strain. Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
664 SHELL MINOR PRINCIPAL STRAIN TOP Shell element top side (side 2) minor principal strain. Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
665 SHELL ZERO SHEAR STRAIN ANGLE TOP Shell element top side (side 2) zero shear strain angle in degrees. Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
666 SHELL MAX SHEAR STRAIN TOP Shell element top side (side 2) maximum shear strain. Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
666 SHELL TRESCA STRAIN TOP Shell element top side (side 2) Tresca strain . Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
667 SHELL VON MISES STRAIN TOP Shell element top side (side 2) von Mises strain. Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
680 SHELL NORMAL-X STRAIN BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) normal strain in SURFACE x-direction. Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
681 SHELL NORMAL-Y STRAIN BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) normal strain in SURFACE y-direction. Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
682 SHELL SHEAR-XY STRAIN BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) normal strain in SURFACE xy-direction (tensor x-face, y-direction). Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
683 SHELL MAJOR-PRINCIPAL STRAIN BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) major principal strain. Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
684 SHELL MINOR PRINCIPAL STRAIN BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) minor principal strain. Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
685 SHELL ZERO SHEAR STRAIN ANGLE BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) zero shear strain angle in degrees. Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
686 SHELL MAX SHEAR STRAIN BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) maximum shear strain. Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
686 SHELL TRESCA STRAIN BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) Tresca strain. Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
687 SHELL VON MISES STRAIN BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) von Mises strain. Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
712 SHELL MAX VON MISES STRAIN BOTTOM/TOP Shell element maximum von Mises strain (of bottom and top). Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
713 SHELL MAX SHEAR STRAIN BOTTOM/TOP Shell element maximum maximum shear strain (of bottom and top). Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
713 SHELL TRESCA STRAIN BOTTOM/TOP Shell element maximum Tresca strain (of bottom and top). Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
714 SHELL MAX PRINCIPAL STRAIN BOTTOM/TOP Shell element maximum principal strain (of bottom and top). Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
715 SHELL MIN PRINCIPAL STRAIN BOTTOM/TO Shell element minimum principal strain (of bottom and top). Controlled by STRAIN Case Control command.
716 SHELL EQUIVALENT STRESS TOP Shell element top side (side 2) nonlinear equivalent stress (material nonlinear solutions) or von Mises stress (linear solutions). Note that for prestress solutions regardless of PARAM, ADDPRESTRESS setting equivalent stress will not include prestress contribution. Controlled by STRESS or STRAIN Case Control commands (linear solutions) and NLSTRESS Case Control command (nonlinear solutions).
717 SHELL EFFECTIVE STRAIN-ELASTIC TOP Shell element top side (side 2) effective strain (von Mises). Note that for prestress solutions regardless of PARAM, ADDPRESTRESS setting effective strain will not include prestress contribution. Controlled by STRESS or STRAIN Case Control commands.
717 SHELL EFFECTIVE STRAIN-PLASTIC/NONLINEAR ELASTIC TOP Shell element top side (side 2) effective (nonlinear elastic material) or plastic (elastic-plastic material) strain. Controlled by NLSTRESS Case Control command.
718 SHELL EFFECTIVE STRAIN-CREEP TOP Shell element top side (side 2) effective creep strain. Controlled by NLSTRESS Case Control command.
719 SHELL EQUIVALENT STRESS BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) nonlinear equivalent stress (material nonlinear solutions) or von Mises stress (linear solutions). Note that for prestress solutions regardless of PARAM, ADDPRESTRESS setting equivalent stress will not include prestress contribution. Controlled by STRESS or STRAIN Case Control commands (linear solutions) and NLSTRESS Case Control command (nonlinear solutions).
720 SHELL EFFECTIVE STRAIN-ELASTIC BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) effective strain (von Mises). Note that for prestress solutions regardless of PARAM, ADDPRESTRESS setting effective strain will not include prestress contribution. Controlled by STRESS or STRAIN Case Control commands.
720 SHELL EFFECTIVE STRAIN-PLASTIC/NONLINEAR ELASTIC BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) effective (nonlinear elastic material) or plastic (elastic-plastic material) strain. Controlled by NLSTRESS Case Control command.
721 SHELL EFFECTIVE STRAIN-CREEP BOTTOM Shell element bottom side (side 1) effective creep strain. Controlled by NLSTRESS Case Control command.
727 SHELL FIBER DISTANCE TOP Shell element stress/strain recovery distance (element z-direction) for top side (side 2).
728 SHELL FIBER DISTANCE BOTTOM Shell element stress/strain recovery distance (element z-direction) for bottom side (side 1).