Use the options on this page to enable/disable available display drivers.
This is a list of all drivers that Navisworks can support. By default, all drivers are selected.
This driver supports the Autodesk graphics system and works with both 2D and 3D geometries. If the check box is clear, Navisworks will ignore this driver when rendering geometries.
This driver supports the Autodesk graphics system and works with both 2D and 3D geometries. If the check box is clear, Navisworks will ignore this driver when rendering geometries.
This driver supports the Autodesk graphics system and works with both 2D and 3D geometries. If the check box is clear, Navisworks will ignore this driver when rendering geometries.
This driver supports the basic graphics system and only works on 3D geometries. If the check box is clear, Navisworks will ignore this driver when rendering geometries.
This driver supports the basic graphics system and only works on 3D geometries. You can't clear this check box as it is the default driver for the basic graphics system.