Creating, copying and rotating arcs

Copying and rotating objects around an axis normal to the principal plane, is a quick way to add multiple, identical objects in a pattern, such as screw holes.

To complete the design of the plate using rotate:

  1. Click Wireframe tab > Create panel > Arc > Full.
  2. Click in the Command Input box on the Status Bar and type the following series of commands. Press the Enter key between each one:
    1. r 0.125
    2. 0.65 0 0
  3. Click on the Quick Access toolbar to exit arc creation.
  4. With the arc selected, click Edit tab > Transform panel > Rotate. The Rotate toolbar is displayed:

  5. Click the Copy the selected items button.
  6. Enter 7 in the Copies text box.
  7. From the Angle drop-down list, click 45.

    A preview of the rotation is drawn on the model:

  8. Click the Apply button to accept the rotation.
  9. Click the Cancel button to close the toolbar.
  10. Click in an empty space in the graphics window to deselect the model.

    Your model should look like the one shown below: