Plate example

A plate is an engineered part, which is typically created as one component of a larger assembly. It may be used as a base which other parts are mounted on to, or used in a pair to house other parts.

This example shows how to create a solid model of a plate, including the following steps:

  1. Start PowerShape to open a new model.
  2. Check the drawing standards of the model.
  3. Create a workplane.
  4. Create and edit lines and arcs, to specify the plate outline and features.
  5. Save your model.
  6. Mirror the wireframe.
  7. Create a composite curve from the separate lines.
  8. Create a solid extrusion from the composite curve.
  9. Create solid cut features.
  10. Create solid chamfer features.
  11. Create solid hole features.
  12. Change the material of the model.
  13. Change the shading of the model.