Creating lines

Wireframe objects such as lines can be used to design a component or model. This 2D geometry can then be used as the basis for creating a 3D model.

To create lines to specify the outline of the plate:

  1. Click Wireframe tab > Create panel > Line > Continuous.
  2. Click in the Command Input box on the Status Bar and type the following series of commands. Press the Enter key between each one:
    Note: The values entered are X, Y and Z coordinates, which are measured relative to the last point entered.
    1. 4 0 0
    2. 0 3 0
    3. -4 0 0
  3. Click on the Quick Access toolbar to exit line creation.
  4. Click Wireframe tab > Create panel > Line > Continuous.
  5. Click in the Command Input box on the Status Bar and type the following series of commands. Press the Enter key between each one:
    1. 0.5 0 0
    2. 0 2 0
    3. 2.5 0 0
    4. 0 -2 0
  6. Click on the Quick Access toolbar to exit line creation.
  7. Click in an empty space in the graphics window to deselect the line.
  8. Click Resize to Fit on the Views toolbar, to view the lines.

    Your model should look like the one shown below: