Create Iso From PCF Dialog Box

Specifies advanced Iso creation options.

Display Lines

PCF Files
Specifies the PCF files to import.
Adds one or more PCF files to the list.

Output Settings

Specifies isometric output settings:

Iso Style

Specifies the Iso Style to use. You can create and modify Iso Styles in Project Setup.

Save Isos to

Specifies the folder where isometric drawings are created.

Create DWF

Specifies whether to create a DWF for the isometric.

Overwrite if Existing

If selected, existing isometric drawings with the same name are overwritten. If clear, new isometric drawings are renamed.

Revision Number

Sets the revision number which can display in the title block.


Displays the Advanced Iso Creation Options dialog box.

Note: When Create is selected, a progress bar displays at the bottom of the dialog box, showing details of the iso creation.