Design Beams

Check and design the behavior of composite steel beams according to the ANSI/AISC 360-10 code.

Use the Design tab to specify the following design settings:

Design results include:

In addition, the graphic viewer presents studs designed on the beam.

After design is finished, click OK to update the Robot model with changes in section, number of studs, and camber, and close the extension.

Note: After updating the Robot model with the changes, names of updated beams are supplemented with the word Composite and information on stud distribution, for example: Beam_26 Composite(15), Beam_44 Composite (23,3,3,23). In Robot, to enable display of beam names, click View Display Bar description Bar names.

After updating the model, in Robot perform static calculations. Then repeat the design in Composite Beam Design Extension using updated results of static calculations.