Process Summary

Perform the structural analysis and design of composite steel beams in a Robot model.

  1. In Robot, open the model and prepare it for design. See Prepare a Model for Design.
  2. Select a slab and beams supporting this slab for design. See Select a Slab and Beams for Design.
  3. Open Composite Beam Design Extension by selecting Add-Ins Composite Beam Design Extension.
  4. In the extension, from the Composite Settings dialog, select the method for calculating the internal forces. Review and adjust the remaining settings. See Composite Settings.
  5. Review and adjust design data. See Review and Adjust Design Data.
  6. Design beams. See Design Beams.
  7. View a report. See View Reports.

If you modify a model during the design, in Robot, perform static calculations to have up-to-date results. Next, in the extension, repeat the design.