Steel Connection Design

This section contains information on how to define and perform calculations for steel connections.

The code calculations of steel connections run in two stages:

  1. definition of geometry of a connection (a connection type) and its parameters.
    It is possible to create connection:
    • within the structure (by selected bars in the structure)
    • defined manually (a stand-alone connection).

    To define a new connection you can choose one of connection types from toolbar in the right side (this toolbar is available when the icon is pressed). Appropriate parameters for the selected connection type can be defined in the Connection Definition dialog.

    A defined connection will be added to the list of connections in the Inspector pane. To return to the definition of connection parameters, double click this connection in Inspector pane.

    If the connection is defined you can change the type of connection (this toolbar is available when the icon is pressed). The connection can also be copied.

  2. calculation of the defined connection for selected parameters and load cases.
    It is possible to design connections:

    In these dialogs you can define calculation parameters for the connection.