In the dynamic analysis parameter dialog, select a spectral or seismic analysis and click Filter to determine the number of modes to be taken into account during dynamic analysis of structures.
Three options are available:
- Non-active - Filtering will not be active.
- Mass percentage - Modes in which the current mass percentage for each mode is greater than those of user defined are considered during seismic/spectral analysis of a structure. Remaining modes are ignored.
The number of calculated modes is smaller than those completed during seismic/spectral analysis of a structure. Thus, the duration and disk space requirements for calculations are considerably reduced.
- List of modes - User defined modes are taken into account during seismic/spectral analysis of a structure.
Note: Modes do not have to be selected in the order of their definition. For example, you can select the following modes: 1to5,12,15. In this case seismic/spectral analysis will be performed for modes 1,2,3,4,5,12 and 15.