The current national codes for France, Portugal, and the United States were implemented for seismic spectral analysis.
The regional codes were implemented and updated for seismic spectral analysis as follows:
- French National Annex NF EN 1998-1/NA:2013 Décembre 2013.
- Local provisions for Nice: NF EN 1998-1/Nice PPR/NA:2007 19Juil. 2011.
- Portuguese National Annex NP EN 1998-1:2010/A1 2013.
United States.
- ASCE 7-16 and IBC 2018 were enhanced with the following additional parameters:
- Risk category.
- Seismic Design Category Based on SD1 and SDS.
- Direction factor for horizontal and vertical direction.
- Calculation of spectrum parameters for IBC seismic codes (2000, 2006, 2009, 2012 and 2018) for site class E were updated.
These codes are specified as default in their relevant regional settings.
To find these new seismic codes:
- Click Tools
Job Preferences
Design Codes.
The Job Preferences dialog opens.
- Select Loads in the left panel of the Job Preferences dialog.
- Click the Seismic loads drop-down list to open the list of available codes.
Note: The codes available in the drop-down lists depend on the country selected in the Preferences dialog. To configure the list of available codes, click the arrow, and then click More at the bottom of the list.