View and Edit Calculated Building Part Data

View and edit more detailed information about the building part quantities.

  1. If you have not calculated your building part quantities yet, calculate them now.
  2. Click Quantification tab Buildingbook Extension (Calculate Building Part Quantities).
  3. To preserve calculations, select Skip recalculation and use last calculated results. This is useful when changes are made to your model and you don't want to take the time to recalculate. You can work with the data and update it when needed.
  4. Click View/Edit Results to open the Calculated Quantities dialog.
  5. Click Show Details to expand the Calculated Quantities dialog and view the calculated data on two tabs:
    • Calculated Quantities
    • Summary
  6. Select categories, elements, or calculated quantities in the Tree structure.

    The selected tab will populate with a table of additional properties for the calculated quantities.

  7. Make changes to the calculated room quantities using the tools available in the Calculated Quantities dialog described below. There is a section for each tab.
  8. Click OK to accept the changes and close the Calculated Quantities dialog.
  9. Recalculate the quantities if needed.

Calculated Quantities

Select a node in the tree structure to see more details about the quantity.

On the Calculated Quantities page, you can hide and show columns of data. Right-click a heading and a context menu displays showing the available data to show. You can also drag and drop headers to reorganize the order in which the data is presented.

Name Description
(Expand All) Opens all of the quantity nodes in the table.
(Collapse All) Closes all of the quantity nodes in the table.
(Go to Element) Changes focus to a subordinate element of the selected quantity.
(Go to Host Element) Changes focus to the host element of the selected quantity.
(Override Calculated Value)

Buildingbook calculates the quantities of building parts automatically, according to the calculation options and considering joins, interactions etc. You may also want to manually override some calculated values to individually represent certain situations.

Select a row or individual calculated value (not QIDS, materials, or other non calculated data) and click Override Calculated value. These values will carry over to exported MS Excel spreadsheets.

At the bottom of the table, select Show overridden cells text in a different color to highlight these overrides.

(Reset to Calculated Value)

Select an overridden row or calculated value and click Reset to Calculated value to remove the overrides.

(Highlight) Opens an appropriate view in the drawing area and highlights the quantity selected in the table nodes. Press Esc to return to the Calculated Quantities dialog.
Element The element name for a calculated building part is comprised of: The element type with a counter: the family: the type. The material is listed in a separate column next to it. You can also enter a unique name in place of the default name.

Displays the calculated quantities of the elements. The columns differ depending on the expanded structure. Depending on the category, more information displays.


View calculation details, particularly for subelements such as windows, doors, openings and other subelements that affect the material calculation. If you are using the German VOB Project Standard, you can view the effects here.

The ellipsis button shows whether a component or element contains subelements. If the button is bold, there are subelements. If it is not bold, there are no subelements. Click the ellipsis button to view subelement data.


The QID is a unique identifier for calculated elements that is assigned by the system on the first quantity calculation. The QID is reused for future calculations and can't be changed manually. Elements can be clearly identified in the project, an Excel output file or the QTO dwf-file. In the project, the QID is shown connected by a leader line to the element. The graphical display can be controlled with the command Quantity IDs on/off, in order not to overload the project.


Select Ignore to exclude elements from the quantity calculation. Ignored elements also do not display in the export files. You can also ignore individual subelements.

Filter Options to filter displayed building parts by criteria. Filters apply to the current category.
Operand 1 Depending on the selected category, the selection list Filter contains operands such as family, type, area, material, and level. The default selection is none (all elements of the category are shown). Select an option to filter the current category.
Operator Select from a list of operators, such as equals, contains, differs, bigger or smaller than.
Operand 2 Lists updates that depend on the previous selections. Only building parts that match the criteria are shown in the list.

Apply the filter to update the display.


Shows that a filter is currently applied to the table.


Click Refresh after a filter has been modified.


Removes the filter settings. The table displays all building parts.

However, the filter definition is kept. Re-apply it by clicking Apply filter.

To remove a filter, select the first entry <none> from the selection list.

Summary Tab

Click the Summary tab and select a node in the tree structure to see a summary of all calculated material for the project.

Name Description
(Expand All) Opens all of the quantity nodes in the table.
(Collapse All) Closes all of the quantity nodes in the table.
Automatically hide empty columns

If there are many different calculated building part categories, the number of columns for calculated parameters may become quite large. Activate this option to automatically hide empty columns.

Parameters Contains a brief overview of calculated quantities that could be used for rough cost estimates. The information in this dialog is also available in the Excel export.