Mass Floor Instance Properties

Change instance properties of a mass floor to assign a usage, modify its appearance, view dimensions, and more.

To change instance properties, select the element and change its properties on the Properties palette.

Parameter Description
Floor Perimeter The total linear dimension for the outer boundaries of the mass floor. This value is read only.
Floor Area The surface area for the mass floor, in square units. This value is read only.
Exterior Surface Area The surface area for the exterior vertical surfaces (walls) from the mass floor perimeter up to the next mass floor, in square units. For the uppermost mass floor, the Exterior Surface Area includes the area of the horizontal surface (roof) above it. (See About Mass Floors at the Top of a Mass.) This value is read only.

The combined exterior surface area of all mass floors in a mass includes the top and sides of the mass. However, it does not include the bottom of the mass.

When you join masses, the area of the inner wall shared by the masses is deducted from the exterior surface area for each mass floor. See About Overlapping Mass Faces.

Floor Volume The amount of physical space between the mass floor and the surface above it, bounded by exterior vertical surfaces between them. Floor volume is measured in cubic units. This value is read only.
Level The level (horizontal plane) on which the mass floor is based. This value is read only.
Identity Data
Usage A description of the intended use for the mass floor. You can enter text, or click in the field to select an existing value.
Mass: Type The type of mass to which the mass floor belongs. This value is read only.
Mass: Family The family of the mass to which the mass floor belongs. This value is read only.
Mass: Family and Type The family and type of mass to which the mass floor belongs. This value is read only.
Mass: Type Comments Comments about the type of mass to which the mass floor belongs. This value is read only.
Mass: Comments Comments about the mass to which the mass floor belongs. This value is read only.
Mass: Description A description of the mass to which the mass floor belongs. This value is read only.
Image An image that represents the mass floor.
Comments Text that describes the mass floor.
Mark A user-specified identifier for the mass floor.
Phase Created The phase during which the mass floor is created.
Phase Demolished The phase during which the mass floor is demolished.