Ceiling Instance Properties

Modify instance properties to change a ceiling's level and offset, slope, and more.

To change instance properties, select the element and change its properties on the Properties palette.

Name Description

Indicates the level on which this instance is placed.

Height Offset From Level

Specifies the distance this instance is offset relative to the specified level.

Room Bounding

Specifies whether this instance is used to define the extents of a room.

See Room Boundaries.

Specifies the rise-to-run slope value if the slope has been defined by a boundary sketch line or slope arrow.


The computed perimeter of this instance. (Read-only)


The computed area of this instance. (Read-only)


The computed volume of this instance. (Read-only)

Identity Data
Comments Displays a comment that you enter or select from the drop-down list. Once entered, a comment can be selected for other instances of elements in the same category, regardless of type or family.
Mark Identifies or enumerates a particular instance as specified by the user. Revit warns you if the number is already used but allows you to continue using it.
Phase Created Specifies the phase when this instance was created.
Phase Demolished Specifies the phase when this instance was demolished.