Ceiling Type Properties

Modify type properties to change the structure and thickness of a ceiling, its fill pattern, and more.

To change type properties, select an element and click Modify tabProperties panel (Type Properties). Changes to type properties apply to all instances in the project.

Name Description
Structure Opens a dialog in which you can add, change, and delete layers comprising a compound structure. See Compound Structure.
Thickness Specifies the total thickness of the ceiling. (Read-only)
Coarse Scale Fill Pattern Specifies the fill pattern for this type of element when displayed at a coarse detail level. See View Properties.
Coarse Scale Fill Color Applies a color to the fill pattern for this type of element in a coarse-scale view.
Identity Data
Keynote Adds or edits the keynote for this type of element. Click in the value box to open the Keynotes dialog. See Keynotes.
Model Specifies the model for the materials comprising the ceiling.
Manufacturer The manufacturer for the ceiling materials.
Type Comments General comments about the ceiling type. This information can be included in a schedule.
URL Sets a link to a web page.
Description Provides a description of this family type.
Assembly description Description of the assembly based on the assembly code selection.
Assembly code Uniformat assembly code selected from hierarchical list.
Type Mark A value to designate the particular ceiling, such as 1A, 2B, and so on. This value must be unique for each ceiling in a project. Revit warns you if the number is already used but allows you to continue using it.
Cost Cost of the materials for constructing the ceiling.
Analytical Properties
Heat Transfer Coefficient (U) Used in calculating the heat transfer, typically by convection or phase change between a fluid and a solid.
Heat Transfer Coefficient (U) A measure of a temperature difference, by which an object, or material, resist a heat flow (heat per time unit or thermal resistance.
Thermal mass Equivalent to thermal capacitance or heat capacity.
Absorptance A measure of the ability of an object to absorb radiation, equal to the ratio of the absorbed radiant flux to the incident flux.
Roughness A measure of the texture of a surface.