What Elements Can I Copy or Monitor?

The Copy/Monitor tool is designed for use with important elements of a building model to streamline coordination and collaboration on a project that involves multiple teams.

Copy/Monitor Elements

Use the Copy/Monitor tool to monitor changes to the types of elements listed below. In most cases, instance properties are copied when an element is copy/monitored, any differences are noted.

Identity Data

These Identity Data instanc:

  • Image
  • Comments
  • Mark


When you use Copy/Monitor to copy an element from a linked model to the current model, the Phase Created property for the copied element is assigned to the Phase value for the current view. It does not inherit the phase assigned to the original element in the linked model. The Phase Demolished property is set to None. See also Map Phases Between Linked Models.

Custom Parameters

Any custom instance parameters that have been added to elements that are copy/monitored will not be included in the copied element.

Other Considerations

The Copy/Monitor tool is not intended to be used with the following: