Tag All Not Tagged

If some or all elements in a view do not have tags, you can apply tags and symbols to untagged elements in one operation.

This function can be useful, for example, when you place and tag rooms in a floor plan view, and you want to see tags for the same rooms in a reflected ceiling plan (RCP) view.

Note: The desired tag families must be loaded into the project before using the Tag All Not Tagged tool. See Load a Tag or Symbol Style.

To tag untagged elements

  1. Open the view in which you want to tag elements.
  2. (Optional) Select one or more elements to tag.

    If you do not select elements, the Tag All Not Tagged tool will tag all elements in the view that are not already tagged.

  3. Click Annotate tabTag panel Tag All.

    The Tag All Not Tagged dialog displays.

  4. Specify the elements to tag.
    • To tag all visible elements in the current view that do not have tags, select All objects in current view.
    • To tag only those elements you have selected in the view, select Only selected objects in current view.
    • To tag elements in linked files, select Include elements from linked files.
  5. Select one or more tag categories.

    By selecting multiple tag categories, you can tag different types of elements (such as detail items and generic models) in one operation.

    Note: Symbols are available for structural elements.
  6. To attach a leader to each tag, do the following:
    • Select Leader.
    • For Leader Length, enter a default leader length.
  7. For Tag Orientation, select Horizontal or Vertical.
  8. Click OK.
    Note: If the visibility of the tag category or its object type is turned off, a message displays. Click OK to allow Revit to turn on visibility before that category is tagged. If the view template assigned is preventing the tag category from displaying, a message displays. Click OK and in the Assign View Templates dialog, turn on the visibility or remove the view template before the category is tagged.

Revit tags elements of the selected family categories.