Export Project Views to HTML

You can create a web page that links HTML versions of views and sheets in a Revit project.

To export project views to HTML

  1. Click File tabExportImages and Animations (Image).
  2. In the Export Image dialog, under Export Range, select Selected Views/Sheets.
  3. Click Select.
  4. In the View/Sheet Set dialog, select the views and sheets to export, and click OK.
  5. Under Output:
    • For Name, specify the desired path and a prefix for resulting file names.
    • Select Create Browsable Web Site with a Linked HTML Page for Each View.
  6. Specify Image Size, Options, and Format settings as desired.

    For details about these settings, see Export a View to an Image File.

  7. Click OK.

To cancel the operation, click Cancel on the status bar. If you are exporting multiple views and sheets, all of the related export operations are canceled.

Revit creates a web page. From the web page, you can open the views from a table of contents. View tags are hyperlinks. For example, suppose you export the Level 1 view and the North Elevation view. In the web page, when viewing the North Elevation view, you can click the Level view tag to link to the Level 1 view.

In the folder where the web page resides, Revit creates a folder containing the source HTML files and images. The folder also contains a cascading style sheet (CSS file). Edit this file to change the format of the web page.