Export a View as a Room/Area Report

You can export a view to create a room/area report.

  1. Click File tab ExportReports (Room/Area Report).
  2. In the Export Room Area Report dialog, for Files of Type, select the type of report to create: triangulation or numerical integration.
  3. If you are exporting a single view:
    1. Under Range, select Current View.
      Note: If you have a 3D view currently displayed in the drawing area, the Current View option will not be available.
    2. If the current view is a floor plan or an area plan, the File Name text box displays a default file name. If desired, change the file name, and navigate to a target folder.
  4. If you are exporting multiple views:
    1. Under Range, click Select Views.
    2. In the Views dialog, select the views to export, and click OK.
    3. For File Name, enter a prefix for the names of the exported files.
  5. Click Options.
  6. In the Area Report Settings dialog:

    1. If desired, change settings for text format, label prefixes for triangles and arc sectors, line colors, unit format, and image sizes.
    2. For a triangulation report, select Use Triangulation with Exclusions if you want to exclude areas bounded by multiple curve loops. (This setting has no effect for numerical integration reports.)
    3. To report window area as a percentage of total area, select Report Window Area as a Percentage of Room Area. By default, the report calculates the total window area.
    4. Click OK.
  7. Click Save.

Revit generates the report as an HTML file and places it in the target folder.