Monitor a Batch Print Job

To monitor the progress of a print job, use the Revit Batch Print Status dialog.

When you start a batch print job, Revit manages the printing of the selected drawings, requiring no further interaction from you.

The Batch Print Status dialog displays when you start a print job. It provides status information about the print job in 3 ways:

If you want to... Then...
Hide the dialog, so it does not clutter the Windows desktop Click Hide.

The Revit Batch Print icon displays in the Windows system tray. To restore the Batch Print Status dialog, double-click the icon, or right-click it and click Open.

Cancel the print job Click Cancel.

Revit displays a confirmation dialog. Click OK to confirm the cancellation request. The remaining drawings do not print.

View the log file for the batch print job Click View Log. (See Log File.)