Create a Sloped Surface Using Parallel Sketch Lines

In sketch mode, specify properties for parallel boundary lines to create a sloped surface.

You can use this method to create a sloped surface on the following types of elements:

To create a sloped roof, see Roof Slope.

To slope a building pad, see Create a Sloped Surface Using a Slope Arrow.

To create a sloped surface

  1. If you are not already in sketch mode, select the element in a plan view, and click Modify | <Elements> tabMode panel(Edit Boundary/Footprint/Sketch).
  2. Select one boundary line, and, on the Properties palette:
    • Select Defines Constant Height.
    • Enter values for Level and Offset From Base .
  3. Select a parallel boundary line, and, using the same method, specify the properties for Level and Offset From Base .
  4. On the ribbon, click (Finish Edit Mode).

To see the resulting sloped surface, open a 3D view or a section view.