Create a Sloped Surface Using a Slope Arrow

in sketch mode, draw a slope arrow to create a sloped surface on an element such as a roof or floor.

You can use this method to create a sloped surface on the following types of elements:

  1. If you are not already in sketch mode, select the element in a plan view, and click Modify | <Elements> tabMode panel(Edit Boundary/Footprint/Sketch).
  2. Click Modify | Create/Edit BoundaryDraw tab (Slope Arrow).
  3. Draw the slope arrow in the drawing area: click once to specify its start point (tail); click again to specify its endpoint (head).

    The slope arrow must start on an existing sketch line. For more examples and tips, see About Slope Arrows.

  4. (Optional) Refine the sloped surface using one of the following methods:

    Specify the height of the sloped surface at its top and bottom

    1. With the slope arrow selected, access the Properties palette.
    2. For Specify, select Height at Tail.
    3. Enter values for Level at Tail , Height Offset at Tail , Level at Head , and Height Offset at Head .

    Specify the slope (rise/run)

    1. With the slope arrow selected, access the Properties palette.
    2. For Specify, select Slope.
    3. Enter values for Level at Tail , Height Offset at Tail , and Slope .
  5. On the ribbon, click (Finish Edit Mode).

To see the resulting sloped surface, open a 3D view.