Point Cloud Properties

You can use properties to change the scale of a point cloud, and define phasing information.

Point Cloud Type Properties

Name Description

Specifies the conversion coefficient from the source units to feet. For example, if the source unit is meters, then the Scale value is 3.2808. If the source unit is feet, then the Scale value is 1.

Modify the scale value if units of the source data have not been correctly determined during import of the point cloud file.

Point Cloud Instance Properties

Name Description
Phase Created Identifies the phase in which the point cloud file was added to the building model. The default value for this property is the same as the Phase value for the current view. You can specify a different value as needed.
Phase Demolished

Identifies the phase in which the point cloud file was demolished. The default value is None.

When you demolish an element, this property updates to the current phase of the view in which you demolished the element. You can also demolish an element by setting the Phase Demolished property to a different value. See Demolishing Elements.