Toposurface and Subregion Properties

View or change properties for a toposurface or subregion with the Toposurface tool.

To view or change toposurface or subregion properties, open a 3D view or a site plan view, and then click Massing & Site tabModel Site panel (Toposurface).

Name Description
Materials and Finishes
Material Select the surface material from the list. You can create your own toposurface material. Topographical surfaces do not support materials with surface patterns. See Materials.
Projected Area The 2-dimensional area of a surface when it is projected onto a flat plane, for example, as though viewed from above.

The projected area omits additional surface area caused by inclines and other 3D aspects of the surface.

You can include Projected Area in schedules. This is a read-only value.

Surface Area The total area of the topography, including additional surface area caused by inclines and 3D aspects of the surface.

You can include Surface Area in schedules. This is a read-only value.

Identity Data
Comments User-defined comments about the toposurface, which can display in schedules.
Name The name of the toposurface, which can display in schedules.
Mark A unique identifier you can assign.
Phase Created The phase when the toposurface is created.
Phase Demolished The phase when the toposurface is demolished.