Valid Formula Syntax and Abbreviations

Formulas support standard arithmetic operations and trigonometric functions.

Listed in the table are valid formula abbreviations for arithmetic operations and trigonometric functions. Examples show using integers, decimals, and fractional values in formulas, using normal mathematical syntax. For more information, see Use Formulas in the Family Editor.

Parameter names in formulas are case sensitive. For example, if a parameter name begins with a capital letter, such as Width, you must enter it in the formula with an initial capital letter. If you enter it in a formula using lower-case letters instead, for example, width * 2, the software will not recognize the formula.

Note: It is recommended that you do not use a dash (-) when naming parameters.
Function syntax Description Examples
+ Addition, add values together Total Length = Height + Width
- Subtraction, find the difference between values Volume Removed = Volume A - Volume B
* Multiplication Area = Height * Width
/ Division Half Length = Length / 2
^ Exponentiation, X raised to the power of Y Height ^ 2
log Logarithm, the exponent of the power to which a base number must be raised to equal a given number. 2 = log10 100
ln Natural Logarithm, logarithm of a number to the base value of mathematical constant e. ln(x*y) = ln*x + ln*y
sqrt Square Root 4 = sqrt(16)
sin Sine Known c and A, a = c * sin(A)
cos Cosine Known c and A, b = c * cos(A)
tan Tangent Known a and B, b = a * tan(B)
asin Arcsine Known a and c, A = asin(a/c)
acos Arccosine Known a and c, B = acos(a/c)
atan Arctangent Known a and b, A = atan(a/b)
exp(x) Mathematical constant e raised to the power of x. exp(3)
abs Absolute Value 2 = abs(-2)
pi Ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter Circle Area = pi * r^2
round(x) The round function returns a value rounded to the nearest whole number. It doesn't take into consideration rounding direction.

round(3.1) = 3

round(3.5) = 4

round(-3.7) = -4

roundup(x) The roundup function returns a value to the largest integral value greater than or equal to x.

roundup(3) = 3

roundup(3.1) = 4

roundup(-3.7) = -3

rounddown(x) The rounddown function returns a value to the smallest integral value less than or equal to x.

rounddown(3) = 3

rounddown(3.7) = 3

rounddown(-3.7) = -4