Truss Type Properties

Change truss type properties to modify its structural framing type, release conditions, identity data, and more.

To change type properties, select an element and click Modify tabProperties panel (Type Properties). Changes to type properties apply to all instances in the project.

Name Description
Top Chords
Analytical Vertical Projection Specifies the location for the respective analytical lines. If you select Auto-detect, the analytical models follow the same rules as beams.

See Analytical Model Settings.

Structural Framing Type Defines the structural framing type of the top chords.
Start Release Defines the release conditions: either Pinned, Fixed, and Bending Moment.
End Release Defines the release conditions: Available choices are Pinned, Fixed, and Bending Moment.
Angle The rotation about the longitudinal axis of the shape.
Vertical Webs
Structural Framing Type Defines the structural framing type of the vertical webs.
Start Release Defines the release conditions: either Pinned, Fixed, and Bending Moment.
End Release Defines the release conditions: either Pinned, Fixed, and Bending Moment.
Angle The rotation about the longitudinal axis of the shape.
Diagonal Webs
Structural Framing Type Defines the structural framing type of the diagonal webs.
Start Release Defines the release conditions: either Pinned, Fixed, and Bending Moment.
End Release Defines the release conditions: either Pinned, Fixed, and Bending Moment.
Angle The rotation about the longitudinal axis of the shape.
Bottom Chords
Analytical Vertical Projection Specifies the location for the respective analytical lines. If Auto-detect is chosen, the analytical models will follow the same rules as beams.

See Analytical Model Settings.

Structural Framing Type Defines the structural framing type of the bottom chords.
Start Release Defines the release conditions: either Pinned, Fixed, and Bending Moment.
End Release Defines the release conditions: either Pinned, Fixed, and Bending Moment.
Angle Rotation about the longitudinal axis of the shape.
Webs Have Symbolic Cutback Enables the cutback of the coarse representation of webs.

The cutback distance is defined by the Braces cutback setting in the Structural Settings dialog. See About Symbolic Representation for Structural Framing Elements.

Web Orientation Specifies the orientation of the web: either Vertical or Orthogonal. The default setting is Vertical. Webs set to vertical maintain a vertical orientation in the project. If they are set to orthogonal, they maintain a 90 degree to the bearing chord to which they are connected.
Identity Data
Keynote Used to add or edit the element keynote. Click in the value box to open the Keynotes dialog. For more information, see Keynotes.
Model The manufacturer internal number.
Manufacturer The manufacturer of the element.
Type Comments A field for entering general comments about the element type. This information can be included in a schedule.
Type Image Displays a user-defined image file that represents the element. See About Managing Images.
URL A link to a web page that may contain type-specific information.
Description The description of the element.
Assembly Code Uniformat assembly code selected from hierarchical list.
Cost The cost of the element type.
Assembly Description Description of the assembly based on the assembly code selection.
Type Mark A value that designates a particular element; possibly the shop mark. This value must be unique for each element in a project. Revit warns you when the number is already used, but allows you to continue using it. You can see the warning using the Review Warnings tool. See Review Warning Messages.
OmniClass Number The number from Table 23 of the OmniClass Construction Classification System that best categorizes the family type.
OmniClass title The name from Table 23 of the OmniClass Construction Classification System that best categorizes the family type.
Code Name Displays standardized codes for the element, such as shape databases.